Performance Pathways Squad 2020-21 Selection Criteria Released
The selection criteria for the 2020-21 Rowing ACT Performance Pathways Squad has been released. This squad is for athletes who are aiming to be selected for National representation at all levels, from Junior all the way to Olympic and Paralympic qualification. The first set of trials will be held 14-17 August, where participants will undertake testing with Rowing ACT coaches and a single scull time trial. Athletes who show the required potential will then be invited to undertake further testing in crew boats, as well as interviews with RACT and ACTAS staff.
Any interested athletes are invited to take part, and should register by emailing by COB on 12 August 2020.
If you are unsuccessful in trialling at this event, this does not exclude you from trialling again in the future.
To find the full selection criteria, please click here:
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