Rowing ACT Policies

Rowing ACT is committed to delivering a safe and inclusive sport to all members of the association.

Rowing Australia and Whole of Sport Policies

Whole of Sport policies are those policies which are collectively adopted by RA and its member Associations, including Rowing ACT which are appropriate for the adoption by the whole of sport for reasons of good governance.

Rowing ACT is affiliated with Rowing Australia and is subject to its Policies, including the National Integrity Framework, which can be viewed on the Rowing Australia policies webpage.

Please visit the Rowing Australia sport integrity webpage for further information about these Policies and the Complaints process. Rowing Australia has an online reporting system which can be found on the Integrity page linked above. All efforts will be made to ensure that policies are the most current versions, however when in doubt regarding policies, please refer to the Rowing Australia Sport Integrity webpage.

General integrity-related enquiries may be made to the Rowing Australia National Integrity Manager:

Whole of Sport Policies

Whole of Sport Policies are those policies that are collectively adopted by RA and its Member Associations.

Whole of Sport Policies are those which are mandated for use y sports funded by the Australian Federal Government and also other policies which are appropriate for adoption by the whole of the sport for reasons of good governance.


Other Rowing Australia Policies include: