Australian Rowing Masters Rowing Commission


Australian Rowing Masters Rowing Commission

Rowing Australia has recently appointed a Masters Rowing Commission with representatives from each State and Territory. Details are given on the Rowing Australia Website. The ACT representative is Susan Linacre. At the first meeting of the Masters Rowing Commission, held by teleconference on Tuesday 8 January, it was agreed that an early activity of the Commission was to develop and communicate its charter. Susan Linacre is on a subcommittee charged with developing a draft of this charter and would be interested in the views of ACT Masters Rowers on what the purpose of the Masters Commission should be. It would be helpful if you could provide your views on the key things that Rowing Australia should be contributing to masters rowing in Australia. She would also be interested in hearing of key issues, problems and potential solutions related to masters rowing in Australia from your perspective. She can be contacted on . Comments in relation to the Charter of the Commission would need to be received by close of business on 14th January to be taken into account, however more general comments relating to the role of Rowing Australia in masters rowing, are welcome any time.

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