The results of last Saturday’s regatta can be foundhere. Revised rowers scores will be circulated during the week. Canberra Grammar School Regatta – Call for Entries The CGS Regatta is on Saturday, 10 February and entries are due by Sunday, 4 February – earlier with your club. You can find an event list here. ACTRA Regatta Events Lists The event list will remain consistent for the remaining regattas in the ACT season, other than for the Head of the Lake, and the ACT Championships. The events in these key regattas are being negotiated between ACTRA and affliated clubs at the moment. These should be settled by mid-February. Lake Closure – Jetski Racing – Friday to Sunday, 2-4 February The National Capital Authority has announced that Central Basin of Lake Burley Griffin will be closed at the following times:
- 5pm – 7pm Friday 02 February
- 6am – 6pm Saturday 03 February
- 6am – 2pm Sunday 04 February
Australia Day Bridge to Bridge Race Congratulations and thank you to all who competed in the Bridge to Bridge race on Friday evening. Well done to the CLRC crew who were wearing the yellow and green wigs you were voted Best Dressed out of all the boats in the Life of the Lake boat parade. The B2Bwinning crew was the Australian Institute of Sport Mens team. The crew was comprised of current and previous World Cup medalists and are all contending for a spot in the team for the 2007 World Championships. It was a great spectacle to have such an inclusive fun race that included aspiring young rowers, competitive club rowers and representatives from the Australian Team. Rowing is a traditional and successful sport in Australia and the opportunity to provide some exposure to the wider community on Australia Day in the National Capital was excellent. Some photos of the event are available — full size jpgs available on request.