Rowing Australia (RA) and its member State/Territory Associations have developed standardised terms and conditions to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the conditions that apply to the membership of each individual across the country.
Previously, each club and state association had used its own separate terms and conditions, which could sometimes lead to confusion regarding the terms of an individual’s membership, including the application of national benefits such as insurance and other national programs.
The standardised terms and conditions ensure that there is clarity regarding the terms of an individual’s membership, which protects both the members, clubs and associations that are providing services to those members. This approach has a range of benefits for the individuals that participate in our sport, including ensuring that each member is protected under national policies such as the Member Protection Policy and that each member’s information is stored and handled in line with Privacy Policies.
The terms and conditions have been developed using best practice examples from across the sports and recreation industry, which have then been tailored to ensure that they accurately reflect the specific environment within rowing. The standardised terms and conditions include the following elements:
- A disclosure and acceptance of risks, including those risks associated with participating in rowing;
- A consent to receive medical treatment in the event that the member requires treatment;
- A statement regarding insurance and how that is provided to the member;
- The provision of indemnity by the member;
- Acceptance to be bound by all relevant policies, including the Member Protection Policy;
- Consent for the use of an individual’s image for the promotion and growth of the sport; and
- A statement regarding privacy, including the protection of a member’s information through the respective Privacy Policies.
The standardised terms and conditions will improve the administration of the sport by providing clarity regarding the conditions and protections that apply to the membership of each individual involved in rowing. These terms and conditions will also better assist members to understand their rights, obligations and protections when they participate in the sport.
Questions regarding the standardised terms and conditions should be directed to in the first instance, and to in the case of any detailed queries.