As a product of all the rain we have been having there have been reports of debris in the lake. Currently East Basin and parts of Central Basin are effected however as the rain continues there will most likely be more areas affected. Please take care.
Archive for month: February, 2012
Race1 single scull 1998/1999 Carbon/honeycomb boat with oars
Ideally suited for a for heavyweight female/lightweight male (max 80kg)
Good condition. $4000
Currently located at the ANU boathouse
Please call Nic West 0419649447
Race1 single scull 1998/1999 Carbon/honeycomb boat with oars
Ideally suited for a for heavyweight female/lightweight male (max 80kg)
Good condition. $4000
Currently located at the ANU boathouse
Please call Nic West 0419649447
The ISRA Saturday draw is now available. Please insure you read Bulletin #1 as this outlines important information regarding regatta operations and locations.
“2012 ISRA Bulletin #1”:file_download/214
In addition please insure you and your crews are familiar with both the Lake Burley Griffin Training Traffic Flow and Competition Traffic Flow.
These links have been setup in advance of the weekends regatta.
Download the Updated “ISRA Draw with Finals”:file_download/210
Download the “Official Results for 2012 ISRA”:file_download/211
View provisional results as races finish – Live Results
The up to date Aggregate Point Score is now accessible via quick links on our website. To view the current point score any time just scroll over the Competition menu above and click on the Point Score item. You can view the current top 10 clubs or click on the complete point score at the bottom of the list.
Download the “BMRC Regatta 5 Results”:file_download/205
Local Photographer Peter Williams has taken some great photos of the Daramalan regatta. You can view the photos on Peters website .
The Regatta Reverse Traffic Flow procedure dated 16/11/2011 will be in place throughout the Black Mountain Rowing Club Regatta. The presence of the Reverse Flow Gate indicates reverse flow is in place.
View the Traffic Flow Procedures here
Weston Park Regatta Setup, Boating Arrangements and Safety Warnings
Due to low lake levels arrangements have been made to utilise Weston Park as the alternative regatta hub. Regatta commentary will be broadcast in Weston Park as well as Lady Denman Drive. The First Aid facilities will be located in Weston Park.
View the Weston Park Regatta Setup Map
Within Weston Park a large space within 150 metres of the water’s edge has been designated for Spectator parking. The access route will be sign posted from Weston Park road. Please make every effort to encourage Spectators to utilise this parking area.
Weston Park trailer parking is available in the car park at the end of Pescott Lane (accessed via Pescott Lane). When entering Weston Park disregard regatta parking signs. Please insure you park trailers as close to the boat park as possible.
Please insure those viewing from the finish area do not park illegally. Ample parking is available on Black Mountain Peninsular which is less than a 6 minute walk from the finish line.
A Café is located adjacent to the car park off Pescott Lane which will open at 8am and serve everything you would expect from a typical café.
Black Mountain Rowing Club will provide catering at the finish line area.
Weston Park Setup
Please insure you do not setup or drive vehicles in the Additional Spectator Area as there are irrigation pipelines below the surface. This area is north of the dirt path leading from the end of Pescott Land to the water’s edge.
Currently due to Extreme Blue-green Algae levels the rowing course is closed to Primary Contact which includes whole-body water contact or submersion of the head. The Course remains open for Secondary Contact which includes rowing. ACT Health Guidelines recommend people should not engage in Secondary contact activities unless they are experienced. As a consequence of the alert we will be providing basic shower facilities within Weston Park. Please insure all competitors are aware of the conditions. For more information regarding the alert please refer and direct competitors to the National Capital Authorities website here .
Download the “Black Mountain Rowing Club Regatta #5 FINAL draw”:file_download/203
Download the “Black Mountain Rowing Club Regatta #5 FINAL program”:file_download/204
The Regatta Reverse Traffic Flow procedure dated 16/11/2011 will be in place throughout the Black Mountain Rowing Club Regatta on the 18th February. The presence of the Reverse Flow Gate indicates reverse flow is in place.
View the Traffic Flow Procedures here
Rowing ACT is seeking official expressions of interest from individuals to fill assistant selector roles. Assistant selectors will work closely with the Chair of Selectors to appoint a team which will most effectively represent the Australian Capital Territory at the 2012 Youth Cup Regatta in Sydney. Selectors will be required to coordinate various selection activities and liaise with hopeful athletes were necessary.
Please email Rowing ACT with inquires or expressions of interest.
Congratulations to Gold medals winners were Riley Owen (ANU) CMU23 1x; Luke Letcher (Radford) CSB 1x; Angus Moore (CRC) MU23 2-; and, Amanda Clifford (CRC), Natalie Graf (ANU), Emily Caudle (CRC), Jacqueline Williams (ANU) CWU21 4x.
Silver medals were won by Radford CSG 4x+ and Canberra Grammar CMU19 4+ and Bronze medals Radford CSG 2x; Canberra Grammar CMU17 2x; and Radford CSB 4x+.
Marist were also well represented at their first ever competition at Penrith. Congratulations to all.