Archive for month: October, 2013

The National Capital Authority (NCA) have received reports that rowers have recently been sighted inside the extended exclusion zone above Scrivener Dam. I.e. between the second buoy line and the dam. The extended exclusion zone continues in place to ensure public safety. Despite the NCA’s confidence in the dam, evident following their decision to lift the lake level, the extended exclusion zone remains in force until the Scrivener Dam Anchor Bolt Project work is completed. This project is due to finish in March 2014. Once this work is completed the NCA have advised that the second buoy line and exclusion zone signs will be removed.

No lake users are to access the extended exclusion zone at any time.



The Regatta Reverse Traffic Flow procedure dated 16/11/2011 will be in place throughout the Canberra Girls Grammar School regatta this Saturday 2nd November. The presence of the Reverse Flow Gate indicates reverse flow is in place.

View the Traffic Flow Procedures here

Thank you again to all who entered this year’s Head of the Molonglo. Your support for this developing event is appreciated. We hope you found the time on the water challenging yet rewarding.

Congratulations to all crews for completing the full course and to those who won their category.

View the 2013 Head of the Molonglo Results

A reminder to all coaches using tinnies that we need to be aware of other unpowered craft (e.g. rowers and canoeists) on the lake and follow these guidelines when coaching from a tinnie:

  • Tinnie drivers to show reasonable courtesy to users of unpowered craft (e.g. rowers and canoeists);
  • Drivers to cut wash when passing unpowered craft travelling in the opposite direction. When traveling in the opposite direction this is to be done in advance of passing unpowered craft to ensure wash created does not roll onto the unpowered craft;
  • When a moving tinnie is being approached from behind by a faster unpowered craft, cut wash to allow the faster unpowered craft to pass;
  • Where possible minimise tinnie wash in East and Central Basin is the hard walls allow wash to impact crews for some time;
  • Minimise tinnie wash on Yarramundi Reach when travelling South towards the start line;
  • A tinnie may keep pace with crews being coached/timed travelling North on Yarramundi Reach towards the finish line. However such drivers are to make a reasonable effort to minimise the impact of wash on unpowered craft using the course.
    • When safe to do so it is recommend that tinnie drivers proceeding from finish to start on the rowing course do so close to the center of the course. This allows drivers to cut power and minimise wash accurately. Precautions need to be taken to avoid passing unpowered craft within close proximity.
    • During regattas BRO boats will proceed from finish to start at high speed then slow to an idle approximately 300m before an oncoming race. Drivers will then make a 90 degree turn and exit the course at idle.
    • Clubs and schools are asked to ensure their tinnie operators are suitable trained and skilled to handle and operate tinnies in such a way.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 29th October, the AIS Rowing Program will be conducting a six lane training session as a part of a women’s training camp currently being held in the ACT. This will include the temporary relocation of lane 2 closure buoys to allow the use of Lane 2 on the rowing course.

The buoys will be moved at 8:30am and replaced following the session. During this time rowers will be proceeding from start to finish within lane 2 on the course. Standard training traffic flow will continue throughout this time. It is recommended that rowers consider using alternate areas of the lake during this time however the course will not be closed.

If in the event you require access you are asked to follow standard traffic flow except when proceeding from finish to start. In this case it is recommend you proceed from finish to start outside of the course and then when required to use lane 1 through the narrows do not do so until lane 2 is clear to the start line.

There will be a marshal managing traffic at the finish line throughout this time.

ACTAS will be conducting an NTC Time Trial this Friday (October 25) and Saturday (October 26). Rowers will start at the AIS White Poles and progress to via the most direct route to Kingston Harbour. The time trial will commence at 7am. All other rowers are requested to keep clear of those competing and coaches are asked to insure they do not wash off those competing.

All rowers within the area are asked to ensure you follow directions given by safety marshals.

The 43rd Annual Disher Cup Regatta was held over the weekend in fine conditions. Congratulations to all those who competed.

View the 2013 Disher Cup results.

Local photographer Peter Williams of ICON Photo spent some time down in Grevillia Park throughout the regatta. Peters photos can be view on the ICONPhoto website.

CGGS will be conducting a selection time trial on the rowing course on Friday 25 October. The course will be over 1800m and boats will be rowing down lanes 5/6. First boat will depart at 6:50am, last boat at about 7:05am. We would appreciate wash being kept to a minimum & those lanes being kept free during this time.CGGS Rowing apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.

The 43rd annual Disher Cup Regatta between ANUBC, ADFA and RMC will take place this Saturday 19th October 2013. Racing commences at 8am with the Women’s single Sculls and concludes at approximately 9:30am at the conclusion of the Men’s Coxed Eights competing for the Disher Cup. Presentations will be commencing at 10:00am within Grevillia Park.

Racing will be conducted between Museum Point the Boat House restaurant in Grevillia Park. This racing will be conducted via the most direct route along the southern side of Central Basin. Rowers are requested to vacate the area well before 7:30am keep well clear until racing has concluded.

If any one does row through the area during the regatta they are asked to obey any directions from the safety officials.

View the Disher Cup Regatta Programme.

Event 1. Disher Cup Regatta

Saturday 19th October

The annual Disher Cup Regatta between ANUBC, ADFA and RMC will take place on Saturday morning between 8am and 9:40am. Racing will be conducted between Museum Point and near the Boat House restaurant in Grevillia Park. This racing will be conducted via the most direct route along the southern side of Central Basin. Rowers are requested to vacate the area well before 7:30am keep well clear until racing has concluded.

View the Disher Cup Course Map for more detail.

Event 2. CGS Selection Time Trial

Saturday 19th October

CGS will be holding a 1500m single scull time trial this Saturday the 19th of October on the race course. Boats will be marshalled from the 1800m in lanes 6 & 7. The first boat will start at 6:20a.m with the last at approximately 7a.m. while rowers will not be restricted from accessing the rowing course coaches are asked to keep wash to a minimum.

Event 3. ACT Dragon Boat Challenge

Sunday 20th October

This year the Dragon Boat (previously; Dragons Abreast) Challenge will be held on the Yarramundi Reach rowing course. The regatta is an annual event which focuses on breast cancer survivorship and raises money for both local and national breast cancer related charities.

Racing will commence on Sunday at 8am and conclude at 12:40pm. The course is to utilise a 400m section of the Yarramundi Reach Rowing Course between approximately the 850 and 550 metre marks. All lanes are to be used in a northerly direction. Rowers are asked to keep clear of the area during the event. We all need to share the lake and be considerate.