Archive for year: 2010

The organisers of the Australia Day events have assigned the start time for the B2B at 18:10, on Australia Day of course.

CGGS will be conducting a selection time trial on the course in lanes 5 & 6
on Thursday 21 January starting at 6:30am. It would be appreciated in wash could
be kept to a minimum to assist in fair racing.

The annual B2B race is being held again on this coming Australia Day. As in
previous years the race is for mixed eights only:

  • There is no entry fee
  • Entries to be emailed to before 5pm Sunday 24th Jan
  • Club names only required on entries, not crew member names.

There must be a minimum of 4 women rowers (excluding the cox). Fancy Dress is
commended. We will reward best fancy dress with a prize.

The next ACT regatta is the Canberra Girls Grammar School Regatta on 30 January.
Entries must be submitted through your club and they close with ACTRA on
Wednesday 20 January. This regatta introduces two additional events for double
sculls – Men’s and a Women’s Grade A events which have been positioned at event
numbers 16 and 17 in the standard event list.

The ACTRA executive has approved and published the order of events for the ACT
Rowing Championships scheduled for 13-14 March 2010. The list can be found
here. Masters
and Under 19 competitors should look at the notes at the end of the list.

The following rowers have been successful in earning a place in the ACT representative squads. We wish them good luck as their pre-regatta training moves into full swing. Final crew and coach announcements are expected later in January.

*Interstate Women’s Eight*

Lauren Burraston, Yasmin Burraston, Emma Cook, Sarah Cook, Didi Egerton-Warburton, Amy Fowler, Rhiannon Hughes, Louise Kilby, Kerry Knowler, Michaela Ledger, Sonia Mills, Christabelle Northam, Shannon Narracott (cox).

*Interstate Women’s Youth Eight*

Emily Caudle, Amanda Clifford, Imogen Cowan, Natalie Graf, Lara Hutchison, Lizzie Kaye, Colette Lipp, Caitlin McCormack, Pip Marques, Nicola Metcalf, Katelyn Mundy, Sam Shaw, Ourania Stamatis, Shannon Taylor, Jessica Williams, Rebekah Beattie (cox), Nicole Sims (cox).

*Interstate Men’s Youth Eight*

Matt Barnier, Nick Barnier, Dane Buckhorn, Dylan Conolon, Daniel Del Rio, Matt McCormack, Callum McKenzie, Angus Moore, Riley Owen, Scott Sheridan, Nick Purnell (cox).

*Interstate Men’s Single*

David Wright

*Interstate Lightweight Men’s Quad*

Still undergoing selection – squad to be confirmed.