Archive for month: December, 2010


The National Capital Authority (NCA) advises that Lake Burley Griffin will be opened to secondary contact recreation today (Dec 18th), but remains closed to primary contact recreation until further notice.

Primary contact recreation means recreation that involves whole-body water contact or submersion of the head. Examples include swimming, diving and windsurfing.

Secondary contact recreation, such as rowing, fishing, boating and canoeing, will still be permitted although persons engaged in secondary contact recreation should be careful to limit any water exposure.

NCA Chief Executive, Gary Rake advises secondary contact users to take extra care in the water.

Although bacteria has returned to a safe level for secondary contact use, there is still a risk of damage to craft due to partially or completely submerged debris.

The NCA urges users to exercise caution and to assess risk levels before entering the water, said Mr Rake.

With the lifting of the complete lake closure, the NCA will now begin clearing as much of the debris in Lake Burley Griffin and is seeking the assistance of lake users.

Regular lake users, such as rowing or sailing clubs could, if safe to do so, and if covered by their insurances, survey the water, around their facility and place a floating marker on sunken timber hazards. This will serve as both a warning to other lake users and a marker for subsequent debris removal operations, said Mr Rake.

Users who notice damage to any infrastructure around the lake are encouraged to advise the NCA by emailing or calling 6271 2888.

Lake Burley Griffin has been closed for the last fortnight as a result of sewage contamination.

Message from the NCA:

Lake Burley Griffin is closed to all sporting and recreational uses following a breach at the sewage works in Queanbeyan.
The National Capital Authority was advised today that sewage has entered Queanbeyan River which flows into Lake Burley Griffin.

Based on advice from ACT Health, it is unsafe to use the lake for any activities that involve contact with the water such as swimming, canoeing, recreational boating, rowing or fishing.

Water features and irrigation systems that rely on water from Lake Burley Griffin have been stopped. The Captain Cook Memorial Jet, Central Reflection Pond and Centenary of Federation Fountains are among the water features closed.
Ferry services will continue operating where patrons are protected from incidental exposure to lake water.

The quantity of sewage that has leaked into the river is unknown at this stage.
The NCA will closely monitor water quality.
Lake user groups have been notified and warning signs will be posted.

“Entry Form”:file_download/17
“HotM Flyer”:file_download/18
“Additional Information”:file_download/19

You can now download the “*Strategic Review of Recreational Facilities*”:

The report was prepared by CBRE on behalf of Rowing ACT with funding provided by Sport and Recreation Services.

The report focuses on those recreational user groups directly using Lake Burley Griffin and its foreshore as a recreational resource.

Consultation was directed at identified peak organisations and the general public. Whilst a number of individual clubs were consulted in order to gain a broader appreciation of the issues being faced by recreational users, the scope of the brief did not facilitate consultation with all clubs known to use the Lake and its surrounds. Its conclusions in respect of structured recreational facilities are presented on an activity by activity, rather than club by club basis. However, in some instances commentary has been provided in respect of individual clubs, in order to highlight specific issues or concerns.

The report finds that recreational facilities around Lake Burley Griffin are generally considered acceptable and are coping with existing pressures. However, it finds some key areas of deficiency requiring immediate attention to alleviate pressure and to improve recreational use of the Lake. These include:-

– Recreational paths, which require attention having regard to existing traffic volumes and their dual role as a recreational resource and as part of the transport network. TAMS is currently undertaking a review of design standards, which will provide the necessary platform from which to move forward on this matter.

– The relocation of the rowing regatta staging area.
– Facilities for rowing, dragon boat and triathlon.

The study identifies opportunities for the provision of new facilities to meet these needs; specifically in Grevillea Park, Weston Park, Yarralumla Bay, Molonglo Reach and on Black Mountain Peninsula. It suggests that the release of land in these locations would provide some interim relief to the issues faced by identified structured recreational users on an activity level but may not be sufficient to meet ongoing demand associated with a growing population.

Consultation responses indicate significant pressure for facilities and land at a club level, which has not been specifically explored in this study. Existing pressures on club facilities are likely to exacerbate as the population of the ACT increases.
Within this context there is a need for continual appraisal of recreational facilities at both an activity and club level to ensure that they meet existing and anticipated future requirements. It is recommended that in addition to further exploration of the opportunities identified above, that a more comprehensive strategy addressing the delivery of land surrounding Lake Burley Griffin be prepared to ensure that land is released in a structured manner reflecting both the needs of lake users and the significance and values associated with Lake Burley Griffin.