Hi Stuart,
Following on from my call to you yesterday, I have updated information for you on participation in groups outside of household members, after consideration by the Chief Health Officer.
The advice provided is that while noting the close proximity (near 1.5m) to another participant in a rowing boat (other than a single), a risk assessment approach may be taken to allow activity in doubles and quads to occur (noting that participation in small groups of up to 10 people for outdoor sport is currently permitted). This is considered to present low risk but should remain monitored and activity managed within a Return to Play in a COVID-safe environment plan. While crews of eight were not mentioned specifically, a risk managed approach would identify the presence of the cox as heightened risk so perhaps consider limiting activity to doubles and quads until the appropriate phase of restriction ease supports this.
Your plans, as previously discussed, to encourage participants to ‘partner up’ to train with the same person/people would form part of a risk managed approach. Participants should not attend training if they are unwell.
If the presence of COVID infection was to appear within an individual within the rowing environment, activity and group size would need to be scaled back.
If you would like to discuss further please feel free to ring, otherwise all the best for the larger boats getting back out on the water.
Kind regards