W1x H5 16:30 L3


W1x H5 16:30 L3

M1x H5 17:30 L1 W2- H1 17:50 L3 [Sarah Cook] M2- H2 18:20 L2 W2x H2 18:50 L1 [Sonia Mills] M2x H3 19:20 L4 M4- H3 19:50 L3 Sun 10 Aug LW2x H1 16:50 L3 LM2x H2 17:30 L5 LM4- H1 18:00 L4 W4x H2 18:40 L4 M4x H1 18:50 L5 W8+ H2 19:30 L3 M8+ H1 19:40 L2

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