Archive for month: November, 2009

The draw and programme for this Saturday’s regatta have been published.

  • 1000m events are now at 4 minute intervals
  • There is a 1 minute interval from a race starting at the 1000m and the next
    starting from 1500/1000m
  • We are using of 7 lanes from 1500m for the last division of the WGC 1X
    enabling a reduction of one race on the programme.
  • The ACT Roads Dept recently erected “No Parking” signs on the
    South side of Lady Denman Drive, this was presented as a safety measure. 
    The no parking provisions are policed and fines apply.  Abundant alternative
    shaded parking is available at the Acacia Inlet picnic area which is on the
    Southern (Woden) side of the regatta parking area 400m further along Lady Denman
    Drive (after unloading) and on Black Mountain Peninsular. 
  • The NCA has advised that there is a triathlon on Black Mountain Peninsula,
    but Triathlon ACT does not mention it on its web site. Take care.

Rowing Australia has announced the election of a new president at its
Annual General Meeting on the weekend. Colin Smith has replaced Pat McNamara.

The results of yesterday’s regatta have been published here.

The ACTRA event calendar now includes other
events being held on the lake during this year and next, as provided by the NCA.
Note the impact on rowing by these events has not been assessed.

Entries for this Friday’s NTC
Time Trial
are due with ACTAS tomorrow, Wednesday. Details are here.
Others, please keep clear of the time trial course (AIS to Kingston) between 07:00
and 08:00.

The CRC Regatta on Saturday, 05 December has entries closing with ACTRA on
Wednesday, 25 November – earlier with your club. See your club for details.

The draw and programme for this Saturday’s regatta have now been published.

The ACTRA AGM was held last night and a new board elected. The new president, David Bagnall said:
“Brendon Prout is to be commended on his nine years as president of ACTRA. This
period has seen major changes in the administration of the sport in the ACT
including significant changes to the constitution and creation of the Executive
Officer position. Brendon’s contribution is therefore very significant and on
behalf of all of us l thank him for his extensive efforts.

I would also like to thank Suzie Nermutova and Rick Worboys for their efforts on
the Executive over the last 12 months. Both contributed constructively to the
administration of the sport locally.”

Please join in this fun get together for all rowers, their families, and friends.
It is being held this Saturday 14 November 2009 6pm to 9pm at the Canberra Club, 45
West Row Civic. Dinner is available for purchase, and bar facilities are also
available. Tables of 8 to 10 people or individuals most welcome. All proceeds going
to Beyond Blue – The National Depression Initiative. The cost is $10 per person. If
possible, please rsvp:
0435017445. Advance payments can be made to account name: Jolly Frog Yoga, BSB:
062908, Account # 10581386 (please state your name if possible or provide a
confirming email).  Payments can also be collected on the night.